Friday, December 14, 2012

ART 2 - SUPER CLOSURE (Shoe Drawing)

Art 2 artists: Finish this super closure and submit to the appropriate bin ASAP for a quiz grade:

(“Super Closures” will be collected and graded as a quiz grade!)

Write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) explaining the process of making your shoe drawing. Include the following word and Underline them in your paragraph:

Super Closure: Art 1 ("I Hold in My Hand" Drawing)

If you were absent, Art 1, here's the Super Closure assessment for the "I Hold in My Hand" drawing. Write this paragraph (6-8 Sentences) and turn in to the appropriate bin ASAP. (QUIZ GRADE)

(“Super Closures” will be collected and graded as a quiz grade!)

Write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) explaining the process of making your “I Hold in My Hand” drawing. Include the following words and underline them in your paragraph:
-Visual Metaphor
-6B Pencil
-Line Quality

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Art 1 Contour Vocabulary

Art 1, you have a notebook test on Mon. 12/3 (B) and Tues. 12/4 (A). Here's your notes from our Contour Hands unit to add to your notes if you were absent:

Right Brain: the area of the brain that controls spatial, creative, imaginative and non-verbal functions. 

Left Brain : The area of the brain that controls verbal, mathematical and logic functions.

Contour: The outline of a object’s edges. Contour line drawings are typically smooth and detailed.
Blind Contour: A contour line drawing done by carefully observing an object without looking at the page and using a continuous line.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Art 1 - Art Criticism Notes/Assignments


Art 1 - Written Critique Assignment

Here's the Art 1 Written Critique Assignment if you lost your copy. If you were not here, you may choose any artwork in the Art Talk textbook to write your paper about. The paper is due on Wed. 11/28 (A) and Tues. 11/27 (B). Art 1 Criticism

Monday, November 5, 2012

Art 2: Art Criticism Notes/Assignments

Here's the most recent powerpoint for Art 2: Art Criticism/Aesthetic Criteria. You will find all of your notes for this unit and assignment directions (including assessments) here. Art 2 Criticism (Web Version)

Art 2: Hands and Feet Video Tutorials

Here are the videos we looked at in class on how to draw hands and feet. You can also search youtube, there are MANY more tutorials out there.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Art 1: Portfolio Super Closure

(“Super Closures” will be collected and graded as a quiz grade!)

On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) explaining how you demonstrated the principles of BALANCE and VARIETY in your portfolio design.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Art 2: Portfolio Super Closure (10/23)

If you we absent, here is the Super Closure (assessment grade) assignment for your portfolio project:

Art 2: SUPER CLOSURE! (10.23) (“Super Closures” will be collected and graded as a quiz grade!)

On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph (6-8 sentences) explaining how you demonstrated the principles of BALANCE and VARIETY in your portfolio design.  

Art 2: SB HW #3: Watercolor Trees

Art 2: Sketchbook HW #3: Watercolor Trees is due 11/1! Here your online copy if you lost yours! You may borrow watercolor sets from me if you need them. :) Art 2 SB HW #3

Art 1: SB HW #3 - Autumn Colored Pencil Drawing

Happy Fall! Here's Sketchbook Homework #3, due 10/31 (B) and 11/1 (A)!

Art 1 SB HW 3 Autumn Colored Pencil

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Art 1/Art 2 Extra Credit Materials

Extra-Credit Materials: 

 Students can earn extra-credit points by bringing in any of the following for the classroom: 

- Tissues 
- Paper Towels 
- Magazines 
- Pencil Sharpeners 
- Pencils 
- Soap or hand sanitizer 
- Glue sticks 
- Copy Paper

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Art 1: Portfolio Unit Powerpoint/Notes

Here's the directions/notes from the Portfolio Unit. Make sure to update your notes if you have been absent. :) Also, this presentation includes what is going to be tested on your 1st quarter Final Exam. Art 1 Portfolio Unit (Web Version)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Art 2: Portfolio Directions and Notes

Here's the current Portfolio Unit directions, vocabulary, warm ups and closures for Art 2. There will be more Warm Ups and Closures for this project, but they are not on powerpoint slides yet. Art 2 Portfolios (Web Version)

Art 2: SB HW #2 Autumn Contour Composition

Due Thurs. 10/18 Art 2 SB HW #2

Art 1: SB HW #2 - Artist Research Page

Due on Wed. 10/17 (B) and Thurs. 10/18 (A) Art 1 SB HW #2

Monday, September 24, 2012

Art 2: SB HW #1 - Artist Research Page Due: Thurs. 10/4 Art 2 SB HW #1
Art 1: SB HW #1 - Contrast Composition

Due: Wed. 10/3 (B), Thurs. 10/4.

Art 1SB HW #1

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Art 1 Supplies (due 9/13 and 9/14)

Small binder/folder with metal prongs.
4 dividers
Hardbound or Spiral Bound Sketchbook
Colored Pencils
1 box of #2 Pencils
Pencil Sharpener

Art 2 Supplies (due 9/14)
Small binder/folder with metal prongs.
4 dividers
Hardbound or Spiral Bound Sketchbook
Colored Pencils
1 set of Drawing Pencils
Pencil Sharpener
2 Fine Tip Sharpies
1 set of watercolor paints.

Principles of Design!

Art 1/Art 2: Here's the notes for the Principles of Design if you missed them :) The Principles of Design

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Art 1 and Art 2 Syllabi

Welcome Back to School!!! In case you need another copy, here are the syllabus documents for Art 1 and Art 2. Remember to get them signed and return for a homework grade ASAP! Also, check the supply lists, make sure you are gathering your art supplies. I am looking forward to an excellent and creative year! :)

Art 1 Syllabus

Art 2 Syllabus

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Profile Portrait Tutorial (Art 1)

Here's a tutorial for your Profile Portrait SB HW that is due Wed./Thurs. (Art 1)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Art 1 Vocab.

Shading Vocab. for Art 1: 

Add these words to your notes!

Chiaroscuro – the arrangement of light and shadow to create the illusion of three-dimensional forms through shading. This technique was introduced by Italian artists during the Renaissance and used during the Baroque period.

Mapping – A shading technique in which artists draw shapes to represent areas of light and dark values and create the illusion of 3 dimensions.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Art 2: Pastel Drawing PWRPOINT

Notes and directions for Art 2 Pastel Drawing (Photorealism) Unit: Photo Realism Art 2

Frida Kahlo Notes : Art 1

Notes for the Frida Kahlo CW Assignment: Frida Kahlo

Portrait PWRPoint - Art 1

Here's the directions for the Portrait Unit for Art 1, if you've missed any notes, or you forgot what to do! Magazine Portraits and Facial Features are Due 2/27 (A) and 2/28 (B). Portraits - Art 1
Art 1: SB HW #9 - Zoomed in Facial Feature. Due: Wed. 2/22 (B) and Thurs. 2/23 (A). Art 1SB HW#9
Art 2: Sb HW #9. Due Wed. 2/22 and Thurs. 2/23 SB HW # 9

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Art 2: Charcoal Food SB Drawing. Due: Wed. 2/8 and Thurs. 2/9 SB HW #8.5
Art 1 HW: Artist Research Page: Portrait Edition Due: Wed. 2/8 and Thurs. 2/9 Art 1SB HW#8

Monday, January 23, 2012

Art 1: SB HW #7.5: Abstract Shading Composition (Hatching, Cross-Hatching and Stippling)

Art 1 HW: Due Wed. 1/25 (B-Day) and Thurs. 1/26 (A-day) SB HW #7.5

Art 2 HW: Shiny Objects

Art 2 HW #8 - Due on Wed 1/25 and Thurs 1/26 SB HW #8

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

MLK Poster Contest: Art 1, 3B

3B (Art 1) Here's the info for the MLK Poster Contest. It's due on Wed. 1/18.

Include one Martin Luther King Jr. Quote.

Use a lettering style from the packet.

Use a baseline/mean line/cap height.

Include symbols that represent the quote.

Draw from observation and/or collage from magazines. Fill the whole page.

Color/shade your picture. Be NEAT.

You will be judged on neatness and creativity of ideas.
Posters are due to Ms. Gafney/Ms. Guiles on Wed. 1/18!


 “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”

“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”

“Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: - 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Art 1: Shading Vocabulary Notes

Here's your Notes for the Shading unit we are working on if you missed them! Value – the lightness or darkness of a color. Form – the element of art that is represented by three dimensions. Shading – a drawing technique that uses light and dark values to give the illusion of form. Value Scale – a chart used by artists to show a full range of values. Highlights – Show the surfaces of a subject that reflect the most light; the lightest part of the drawing. They are used to create the illusion of form. Shadows - Show the surfaces of a subject that reflect the least light; the darkest part of the drawing. They are used to create the illusion of form. They can include the shadow an object casts on a surface.