Sunday, November 27, 2011

Perspective Videos: Art 2

Art 2: Here's the links for helpful perspective steps and hints:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Art 2: SB HW #5

Here's SB HW #5. It's due 11/29 (A-day) and 11/30 (B-day). SB HW #5

Art 1: SB HW #5

Art 1: Sketchbook Homework # 5. Due Wed. 11/29 (A-day) and Thurs. 11/30 (B-day).

SB HW #5

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Art 2: Contour Shoe Powerpoint

Art 2 kiddos: Here's the notes and directions for your shoe project. If you've missed or lost something, copy it down for your notes quiz on Mon./Tues. (11/7 & 11/8)

Art 1: Contour Hand Drawing Unit Powerpoint.

Art 1: Here's the notes and directions for your hand unit. Copy down the vocab by Mon./Tues. (11/7 & 11/8) for a quiz!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Art 1 & Art 2: SB HW #4

SB HW #4: Autumn Composition (For Art 1 AND Art 2). Due on Wed. Nov. 9th (A day) and Thurs. Nov. 10th (B day). SB HW #4